Saturday, August 11, 2007

Human Life: Evolution to Self-Evolution (49 min)

Chris Stringer on Early Human Evolution (28 min)

Why Intelligent Design is Wrong (8 min)

Ken Miller on Intelligent Design at Case Western University (124 min)

Intelligent Design Vs Evolution [BBC] (8 min)

Evolution vs. Creationism: Listen to the Scientists (10 min)

How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information (16 min)

Evidence for Evolution (2.5 min)

The Origin of Life Made Easy (7.5 min)

Walking with Cavemen- The Survivors (30 min)

Walking with Cavemen- Savage Family (30 min)

Walking with Cavemen- Blood Brothers (30 min)

Walking with Cavemen- First Ancestors (30 min)

Philosophy: A Guide To Happiness (Part 4) "Montaigne on Self-Esteem"(24 min)

Stupid Design- (5 min)

Why Young Earth Creationists are WRONG (11 min)

The Creation Museum Teaches Super Evolution (8 min)

Refuting Evolution (from HBO's Friends of God) (6 min)

Where Did Organic Matter Come From? (7 min)

There are Many, Many Transitional Fossils- Watch and See (12 min)

Evolutionary Theory- Some Basics- Dispells Common Misconceptions (3 min)

What Evolution Isn't- What Theists Often Get Wrong (6 min)

Micro vs. Macro Growth- A Logical Expansion of Micro/Macro Evolution Distinction of the Creationists (3 min)

Evolutionary Design- Computers Can Provide Design Variations No Human Would Have Imagined (5 min)

Evolution: From the Fossil Record to Genomic Revolution (30 min)

Origins of Life - Panspermia (30 min)

Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Dan Dennet (62 min)

The Evolution of Irreducible Complexity (6 min)

Big Numbers: a Concept Creationists Don't Understand (5 min)

Kent Hovind Destroyed by Evolution Grad Student (20 min)

Evolution Is a Blind Watchmaker (10 min)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute- Evolution and Religion- David Kingsley- 2005 (70 min)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute- From Butterflies to Humans- 2005 (58 min)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute-Fossils, Genes, and Embryos-David Kingsley- 2005 (58 min)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute- Selection in Action- David Kingsley- 2005 (58 min)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute- Endless Forms Most Beautiful- David Kingsley- 2005 (58 min)

Critical Analysis of Eternal Productions'- A Question of Origins- by ExtantDodo (55 min)

Critical Analysis of "Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel- by ExtantDodo (110 min)

Critical Analysis of the Molecular Collapse of Evolution- by ExtantDodo (28 min)

Critical Analysis of Icons of Evolution- The Discovery Institute- by ExtantDodo (90 min)

Critical Analysis of Way of the Master's Evolution- Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron- by ExtantDodo (43 min)

Critical Analysis of Ken Ham's What is the Only Answer to Racism- by ExtantDodo (45 min)

Critical Analysis of Ken Ham's Do Animals Evolve?- by ExtantDodo (45 min)

Critical Analysis of John Pendleton's Age of the Earth- by ExtantDodo (35 min)

Origin of Life - Lecture by John Maynard Smith (60 min)

The Blind Watch Maker- Richard Dawkins & Jeremy Taylor (BBC- 1987) (48 min)

Waking Up in the Universe- Richard Dawkins- The Royal Institute Lectures (1991) (58 min)