Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kathy Griffin responds to the right-wing backlash over her Emmy acceptance speech joke (9 min)

Chimps vs Humans photographic memory test (1 min)

Ben Stein on Glenn Beck's show about Intelligent Design (CNN) (5 min)

Margaret Downey- Atheists' 'Tree of Knowledge' Display (Fox) (7 min)

Richard Land on Mitt Romney and Mormonism- Hannity & Colmes (Fox) (3 min)

Beyond Belief - Enlightment 2.0- (2007)

October 31: Session 1 of 2
October 31: Session 2 of 2
November 1: Session 1 of 2
November 1: Session 2 of 2
November 2: Session 1 of 1

The View on teddy bear blasphemy in Sudan (ABC) (3 min)

Christopher Hitchens On Morning Joe (12/3/07) (MSNBC) (10 min)

Dewey on God - Malcolm In the Middle (2 min)

Dinesh D'Souza - Fox News Hannity & Colmes Interview (10/30/07) (5 min)

Dinesh D'Souza - Fox News The Big Story w/ Gibson and Nauert (4 min)

Dinesh D'Souza - Fox News Hannity & Colmes Interview (9 min)

Daniel Dennett vs Dinesh D'Souza- "God is a manmade invention" (140 min)

David Horowitz's Demons: Islamofascism Awareness Week 2007 (6 min)

Theocracy Now! At the Value Voters Summit 2007 (8 min)

Michael Shermer vs Douglas Jacoby- Does God Exist? (6/23/07) (70 min)

Allan Gregg Interviews Richard Dawkins (16 min)

Watch Video

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) (4 min)

Watch Video

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Danish TV (8 min)

George Carlin- I used to be Irish Catholic (11 min)

Mormonism & American Politics: Early Encounters (120 min)

James Randi's message to the Hungarian Skeptics (8 min)

Christopher Hitchens - MilĂȘnio (25 min)

A short segment about 'Honor Killings' in Turkey (5 min)

Fox- American Atheists on Hannity & Colmes (5 min)

Saudi Solutions- How to combine modernity and fundamentalist Islam (VPRO 2005) (77 min)

Jim Norton on Islamophobia (5 min)

John Hartung- A Perspective on the Future of Mankind (25 min)

God Doesn't Exist? Prove It! (3 min)

LiveLeak Interview : What Would Jesus Buy? (20 min)

Clash of the Worlds - BBC- India, Sudan, Palestine

Bright Eyes- When the President Talks to God (Music) (3 min)

Michael Ruse vs. William Dembski in May 2005 (10 min)

Kevin Smith on 'Dogma' and Religion (14 min)

God's Cool Designs- Amazing what we see when we look at the design of humans (5 min)

God Wants You To Make Money! (4 min)

Frontline/PBS Documentary on "The Mormons." (6 min)

Watch the whole video here: Frontline/PBS Documentary on "The Mormons." (240 min)