Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rudy Giuliani defending sexual predator priest (ABC) (4 min)

Church Statue

OMG ! ON A CHURCH ! - video powered by Metacafe

Muslim Cleric claims "Cure for Aids" in Muslim text (5 min)

Matthew Chapman at AAI 07 (53 min)

TAM 2 (The Amazing Meeting) Dr. Michael Shermer (50 min)

Sam Harris: The Problem with Atheism - AAI 07 (66 min)

Dinesh D'Souza on Fox & Friends - Hitchens Debate (3 min)

Christopher Hitchens - Hell's Angel: Mother Teresa (Channel 4) (25 min)

Secularist of the Year presentation 2007 (30 min)

Half a Dozen Reasons the Bible Isn't True (3 min)